National Committees
CMAA committees are governed by members to serve members. National committee appointments are designed to achieve balanced member representation from Chapters and regions, club types, individual demographics, skill set, and professional experience.
Advocacy Committee
The mission of the CMAA Advocacy Committee is to develop new strategies, resources, and education to prepare CMAA members to influence outcomes in club boardrooms and the halls of government. The areas of jurisdiction for the committee include CMAA’s grassroots activities as well as arming our members to be their own best advocates in club governance and beyond. The Advocacy Committee does not meet during CMAA National Committee week; instead, the Committee convenes for its official business at the National Golf Day, usually held in May.
William Shonk, CCM, CCE, Chairman
Paul Bovenzi, CCM
Matthew Dossey, CCM
John Fairall
Greg Gilg, CCM, PGA
Zachary Hoffman
Heather Korte
Susannah Miller, CCM, CCE
Patrick Necessary, CCM
James Reisig, CCM, CCE
Melissa Low, CAE, Staff Liaison
Audit Committee
The CMAA Audit Committee’s responsibility is to assist the Board of Directors in monitoring the integrity of our financial statements; the independence, qualifications, and performance of the Association’s independent auditor; the performance of CMAA’s internal audit function; and our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. The Audit Committee conducts its meeting(s) virtually.
Janine M. Budzius, CCM, CCE, Chairman
Linda Cozzi, CCM
Richard LaRocca, CCM, CCE
Joseph Mendez, CCM, CCE
Christopher Tankersley, CCM
Jason Tate, CPA, Staff Liaison
Budget & Finance Committee
The CMAA Budget & Finance Committee shall counsel with the CEO and CFO on the annual budget of the Association and prepare recommendations for the Board of Directors; the group may perform other duties relating to the finances of the Association via Board direction. The Budget & Finance Committee conducts its meeting(s) virtually.
Janine M. Budzius, CCM, CCE, Chairman
Victoria Cronauer
Ryan Kenny, CCM, CCE
Richard LaRocca, CCM, CCE
Joseph Mendez, CCM, CCE
Melanie Miller
Michael Seabrook, CCM, CCE
Jason Tate, CPA, Staff Liaison
Bylaw & Policy Committee
The function of the CMAA Bylaw & Policy Committee is to review and evaluate the Association’s bylaws and established policies. When applicable, the group studies proposed amendments/repeals and new/existing policies to confirm that matters addressed are legally appropriate and in the best interest of the Association. Additionally, Committee members review any proposals from standing national committees requiring ultimate Board decision and/or membership vote. The Bylaw Committee conducts its meeting(s) virtually.
Michael D. Seabrook, CCM, CCE, Chairman
Heather Crutcher, CCM
Nancy Dagher, CAM
James Galvano, CCM
Charlotte Hillery, CCM
Charles Holmes, III, PGA
Ernest LaRocca, Jr., CCM, CCE
Levent Yurdatap, CCM
Kim Pasquale, Staff Liaison
Centennial Task Force
The CMAA Centennial Task Force (TF) will serve in an advisory capacity to CMAA leaders, stakeholders, and the National staff to prepare for the Association’s 100th Anniversary in 2027. TF roles and responsibilities will focus on branding/logo design; recorded history; special events held during 2027; coordination of related events with CMAA Chapters, students, member interest groups, etc.; and educational opportunities that can be tied into CMAA’s Centennial (subject to change).
Mitchell Platt, MCM, CCE, Chairman
Janine Budzius, CCM, CCE
Judy Higgins, CCM, CCE
Brandon Johnson, CCM
Kristen LaCount, CCM
Richard LaRocca, CCM, CCE
Todd Marsh, CCM, CCE
Joe Mendez, CCM, CCE
Marcie Mills, CCM
Randy Ruder, CCM, CCE
Michael Seabrook, CCM, CCE
Bill Shonk, CCM, CCE
Ivee Wilson, CCM
Chapter of the Year Judging Committee
The Chapter of the Year Judging Committee meets virtually approximately one month before each CMAA World Conference & Club Business Expo to judge/score the Chapter of the Year entries and to determine the award program winners in each chapter size category.
Joanna Brewer, Co-Chairman
Erica Gilly, CCM, Co-Chairman
Joe Nicaj, Co-Chairman
Caitlin English, CCM
Ben Lorenzen, CCM
Jeffrey Orkus, CCM
Geoffrey Piva, CCM
Jorge Rivera, CCM
Robert Tibbetts, CCM
Eugenia Zak
Erica Benjamin, Staff Liaison
Chapter Relations Committee
The CMAA Chapter Relations Committee encourages and facilitates communications between the Association and its local chapters via the areas of chapter support and alignment; chapter health and sustainability; chapter leadership; chapter awards and recognitions; and student chapter growth, eligibility, and management. The Chapter Relations Committee meets at National Committee week in May.
Jeff Isbell, CCM, Chairman
Margaret Barragan
Kelly Beck
Pamela Bostwick
Jeanne Davis, CCM
Owen Dougherty, CCM
Kelly Grabowsky, CCM
Kipp Johnson, CCM
Anahi Perez, CCM
Meridith Picarelli-Khattar, CCM, CCE
Joseph Satterfield
Jeff Spencer, CCM, PGA
Erica Benjamin, Staff Liaison
Communications/Magazine Committee
The CMAA Communications/Magazine Committee provides valuable ongoing input and feedback specific to CMAA’s multi-channel communications (Club Management magazine, email newsletters, social media, etc.) and ensures our resources are relevant, timely, and the primary source on the topic of club management, today and in the future. The Communications Committee meets at National Committee week in May and five other virtual meetings throughout the year.
Haissam Baityeh, CCM, CCE, Co-Chairman
Judith L. Higgins, CCM, CCE, Co-Chairman
JulieAnne Brown, CCM, CPA
Jessica Fox
Paul Grothouse, III
Kyle Hillhouse
Allegra Johnson, CCM
Paula Kelly, CCM, CCE
Jeffrey Murray, CCM
Jill Philmon, CCM, CCE
Robert Pratt
Victoria Shea
Timothy Timlin, CCM, CCE, CAM
Tai Tran, CCM
Melissa Low, CAE, Staff Liaison
Conference Committee
The CMAA Conference Committee helps strategize and plan for the annual World Conference & Club Business Expo. The group meets annually to review local site information, networking event venues and concepts, related communal and societal activities, and general session speakers. Committee members also assesses CMAA member/attendee feedback and evaluations from the prior year’s event. The Conference Committee typically meets in the World Conference host city location each April.
Joseph A. Mendez, CCM, CCE, Chairman
Janine M. Budzius, CCM, CCE
Scott Fairbairn, CCM, CCE
Rigoberto Headley, CCM
Richard LaRocca, CCM, CCE
Michael Seabrook, CCM, CCE
Desi Speh
Jayne Ayers, Staff Liaison
Kim Pasquale, Staff Liaison
Corporate Relations Committee
The CMAA Corporate Relations Committee assists the internal business development team in reviewing and assessing the corporate activities offered to CMAA members. The committee contributes to the strategy and tactics used by CMAA in order to provide the most meaningful resources and information to the membership at large. The Corporate Relations Committee meets at National Committee week in May.
Charles C. Johnson, CCM, Chairman
David Dew, CCM, CCE
Michael Drury, CCM
Susan Greene
Katie Gusella
William Langley, CCM, CCE
Lori LeBard, CCM
Lukasz Monka, CCM
Timothy Muessle, CCM, CCE
Michael Murray
James Paris, CCM, CCE
Melissa Paule
Samantha Sheffield
Kimberly Campuzano, Staff Liaison
Credentials Committee
The CMAA Credentials Committee responsibilities are performed at each World Conference. Credentials Committee members deliver voting credentials near the onsite election polling place, only admitting members who present a valid membership card or are verified eligible to vote by reports provided to cast their ballots for the Board of Directors election. The Credentials Committee chair works with the at-conference Elections Committee chair(s) to secure an accurate count of the voter registration cards collected.
Tad Peel, CCM, Chairman
Rollie Carlson
Christopher Green, CCM
Mihaela Hillhouse
Christopher Kleinman
Chris Lane
Robert McQuay, CCM
Charles Merriman, CCM
Brett Mucheck
Cortney Murphy
Jill Philmon, CCM, CCE
Denise Quadrel, CMP
Kathryn Reinhart, CCM
Tammy Roys, CCM, CCE
Katherine Scott
Kelley Williams, CCM
Kim Pasquale, Staff Liaison
Elections Committee
At the CMAA World Conference, the Elections Committee is responsible for ensuring a smooth and successful membership voting experience for the national Board of Directors election and any applicable Bylaw amendments. Committee members verify onsite voter eligibility and instruct members on voting procedures and software. Additionally, the Elections Committee chair(s) works with the at-conference Credentials Committee chair(s) to secure an accurate count of the voter registration cards collected.
Jeff Spencer, CCM, PGA, Chairman
Thomas Bartek, CCM, CCE
Joseph Callison, CCM
Andrea Curthoys, CCM
Tina Lutzi-Regler, CCM, CCE
Nicholas Markel, CCM, CCE
Jeffrey Martocci, CCM
Michael Methot, CCM
Matthew Adam O'Connor
Robert Oosterhuis, CCM, CCE, PGA
Robert Romanotto, CCM, CCE
Carolyn Ruffner, CCM, SHRM-CP
Kim Pasquale, Staff Liaison
Executive Committee
The CMAA Executive Committee is made up of officers serving on the Board of Directors.
Michael D. Seabrook, CCM, CCE, Chairman
Joseph A. Mendez, CCM, CCE, Vice Chairman
Richard L. LaRocca, CCM, CCE, Secretary-Treasurer
Mitchell S. Platt, MCM, CCE, Immediate Past Chairman
Jeff Morgan, FASAE, CAE, Staff Liaison
Fellows Selection Committee
The CMAA Fellows considers inductees for the program via a process governed by the Fellows Selection Committee. Nominees submit detailed endorsement letters from three colleagues/peers, résumé/curriculum vitae, and an essay. The Fellows Selection Committee reviews all applications and if applicable invites final candidates for individual interviews. The Fellows Selection Committee meets virtually in early winter to determine new Fellows.
Luke O'Boyle, CCM, CCE, Chairman
Thomas DeLozier, CCM, CCE
Anthony D'Errico, CCM, CCE
Terra Waldron, CCM, CCE
Cindy Williams, CCM
Kim Pasquale, Staff Liaison
Idea Fair Judging Committee
The Idea Fair Judging Committee meets during each CMAA World Conference & Club Business Expo to judge submitted entries and to select the Idea Fair winners in each of 20+ club and membership operations categories as well as the overall winners of the annual competition.
Carolyn Ruffner, CCM, SHRM-CP, Chairman
Lindsey Bolander, CCM
Vanessa Esparza
Rickford Foo
Madeline Grillo
Laura Hodges
Jade Kiosse, CCM
Karen Kraus
Cory Menking
Katherine Newton, CCM
Gregory Torres
Melissa Warner, CCM
Erica Benjamin,Staff Liaison
Membership Committee
The CMAA Membership Committee provides advice and counsel to the CMAA Board on matters relating to and aligned with the expressed needs, communications, and general issues impacting the club management industry. The Committee discusses member services; membership health and sustainability; membership information; member awards and recognition; prospective member insight; and student development. The Membership Committee meets at National Committee week in May; supplemental virtual meetings may be scheduled throughout the year.
Casey Newman, CCM, Chairman
Chris Brown
Andy Crowe, CCM, PGA
Bryan Danehy, CCM, CCE
Passion Graham, CCM
Christina Gusella
Jenny Gwinner
Brett Morris
Colleen Pomper
Kasey Romano
Nick Smithson
Erica Benjamin, Staff Liaison
Mid Manager Task Force
The CMAA Mid Manager Task Force (TF) will serve in an advisory capacity to CMAA leaders, stakeholders, and the National staff to better serve the Association’s mid-level managers. The TF will help shape the vision and outlook for the club industry’s rising stars and imminent leaders by focusing on professional development/career growth; sustainability of the career path & work-life balance; onboarding and orientation (to the career and to CMAA); recognitions and appreciation; and leadership and community involvement.
Casey Newman, CCM, Chairman
Jim Cardamone, CCM, CCE
Ashley Cuoco
Timothy Freund, CCM
Bob Gusella, CCM, CCE
Alexandria LaRocca
Audra Lucas, CCM
Christopher Metz
Julia Rush
David Sheppard, CCM
Abhishek Sonkar
Randy St. John, CCM, CCE
Qian Yang, CCM
Nominating Committee
Chaired by the CMAA Immediate Past Chairman and composed of Professional members who represent a wide range of membership demographics, CMAA’s Nominating Committee interviews Board nominees and presents a slate of candidates for National Director to the membership in September of each year. The Nominating Committee meets virtually in late summer to conduct candidate interviews and make final slate selections.
Michael D. Seabrook, CCM, CCE, Chairman
Mark Bado, MCM, CCE
Kyle Draper, CCM
LuAnn Giovannelli, CCM, CAM
Ross Lorenz
Randy Ruder, CCM, CCE
Richard Spurlin, CCM, CCE
Isaac Storandt, CCM
Patrick Tobey, CCM, CCE, CEC
Joseph "JJ" Wagner, CCM, CCE
Kim Pasquale, Staff Liaison
Professional Development Committee
The CMAA Professional Development Committee oversees the Association’s professional development efforts and provides guidance for our educational curriculums, including BMI programs, World Conference education, other national events, webinars, etc. The Committee also develops, maintains, and administers a certification program for individuals who qualify in accordance with CMAA’s certification program rules and regulations. The Professional Development Committee meets at National Committee week in May.
Joseph Krenn, CCM, CCE, Co-Chairman
Kimberly Clark Warren, CCM, Co-Chairman
Joseph Basso, MCM, CCE, CAM, CSW
Karen Baxter, CCM
Matthew Collins, CCM, CCE
Margarita Gilo, CCM
Boris Gradina, MCM, CCE
Kent Johnson, CCM, CCE
Edwin Latalladi, CCM
Rachel Leace, CCM
Robert Martin, CCM, CCE, CAM
Michael McCormack
Katherine Scott
Dawn M. Coleman, Staff Liaison
Jason Koenigsfeld, Ph.D., CHE, Staff Liaison
Research Committee
The CMAA Research Committee contributes research topic ideas, research instrument review, opinion on research partnerships and collaborations, and provides an editorial eye to CMAA staff in support of research objectives and products. The Research Committee typically meets at National Committee week in May.
Jack S. Slaughter, CCM, CCE, Chairman
Brigeth Brookins
Jennifer Garrott
DeMichael Givens
Jacob Hawley, CCM
William Herman, CCM
Daniel Laterza, CCM
Lee Mackay, CCM
Duncan Reno, CCM, CCE
Jeff Schenkel, CCM
Amilcar Davy, Staff Liaison
Sergeant-At-Arms Committee
The duty of the CMAA Sergeant-At-Arms Committee is primarily to enforce order at the assembled meetings held during the annual CMAA World Conference & Club Business Expo, as directed by the national staff or Board of Directors. Other undertakings may include the greeting of conference attendees or providing security at the Opening and Closing Business Sessions.
Ernest LaRocca, Jr., CCM, CCE, Chairman
Steve Chatelain
Gregory Cincotta, CCM, CCE
Kal Darres, CCM
Frederick Del Percio, CCM
Joseph Furko, CCM, CCE
Sandra Gervais, CCM
Peter Joyce, CCM
Gregory Klemp
Susan Schenkel, CCM, CCE
Chad Schultenover, CCM, CCE
Thomas Shonkwiler, CCM
Christopher Welles, CCM
Karen Woodie, Staff Liaison
Shark Tank - Student Award Judging Committee
Charles Johnson, CCM, Co-Chairman
Erin Schlegel, CCM, Co-Chairman
Brandon Sears
Matthew Spangenberg
Kimberly Clark Warren, CCM
Sumayah Arcusa, Staff Liaison
Strategic Planning & Organizational Culture Committee
The purpose of the Strategic Planning & Organizational Culture Committee is to create and manage a long-term development plan for the Association and to determine the best strategies to achieve the Association’s organizational goals and objectives. Additionally, the Committee has oversight for the development, implementation, and measurement of CMAA resources and services to promote and drive a culture of inclusion and acceptance. The Committee provides the framework to advance CMAA’s mission, vision, and goals as well as prepares an annual report of recommendations to the Board of Directors for consideration and approval.
Richard L. LaRocca, CCM, CCE, Chairman
Eric Beck, CCM, CCE
Carol Bliss, CCM, CCE
Michael Bradfield, CCM, CCE, CAM
Kimberly Brady, CCM
Janine Budzius, CCM, CCE
Mario Campuzano, CCM
Charles Dimpfl, CCM
Lonnie Lister, CCM
Colin Mack-Allen, CCM, CCE
Michael Seabrook, CCM, CCE
Brian Silver
Ryan Spence, CCM
Jeffrey D. Morgan, CAE, FASAE, Staff Liaison
Student Chapter of the Year Judging Committee
Andrew Hollers, Chairman
Margaux Beuscher, CCM
Rick Poling, CCM, CCE
Sumayah Arcusa, Staff Liaison
Student Idea Fair Judging Committee
Robert Beuth, Chairman
Elisha Cicerone, CCM
Cassandra Mae Lematta
Sumayah Arcusa, Staff Liaison