Chapter Idea Fair
1st Tables Set in the New Kitchen Club Tours
Virginias Chapter
Entry Details
The Virginias Chapter, CMAA supports the student chapters of James Madison University and Virginia Tech. The chapter partners with club managers and their respective clubs to offer tours and share practices with the students in each hospitality program. Farmington country club graciously hosted students from James Madison University along with chapter board members to be the first diners in their amazing new kitchen. The students first toured the club, other areas of construction and the last stop was dinner in the brand new beautiful kitchen. tables with linens, candles and an incredible meal following the chef's hands-on detail of each step of the process. The Chapter managers benefit from these tours and introductions of students as many are looking for internships and/or permanent positions. The engagement is healthy for both managers and students alike.
The Board planning committee and student chapter liaisons encourage clubs and managers to open their doors, hold tours and host students for opportunities of sharing and learning. Farmington Country Club has been gracious especially around ground breaking projects that even the most tenured managers in the club industry may not have exposure to. Chapter members are very receptive to improved student engagement and excited to support the future leaders of club management.

About the author
Kristin Fellenstein