Chapter Idea Fair
A Simple Solution for Hybrid Education
Mile High Chapter
Entry Details
This simple, professional and inexpensive hybrid education solution enables remote Chapter members to easily join chapter education events without hefty live stream or expensive equipment costs.
During COVID, we had many live events as a majority of our membership wanted to keep meetings in person and restrictions in Colorado were minimal in most jurisdictions. However, we still had a handful of members who didn't want to attend live events, but wanted to engage in the education component from their offices. Live streaming events, the Owl and other devices were more than our Chapter could afford to pay. There had to be a better solution. After a day of brainstorming, we found an option that was professional, cost effective (a one time fee of $49), easy to use. Now that COVID is over, we use the option to engage remote members of our Chapter by giving them an opportunity to join meetings online. Our remote members love it!

About the author
Cortney Murphy