Chapter Idea Fair
Best in Show Winner
Georgia Chapter
Entry Details
Everyone loves a good game, so why not bring back a classic in order to encourage member participation! That is exactly what we did this year in the Georgia Chapter. We took a spin off the classic game of BINGO and created a board full of our chapter events and community service projects. In order to entice members to participate, we made the prize a cash value equal to that of our annual chapter dues which includes all of our chapter education. We realize most clubs pay for their managers dues, so by making it a cash value, we felt it would get the members vested in the game while at the same time, increasing participation. So far a handful of members have already obtained BINGO and others are in a tight race to fill their BINGO cards. This has created a healthy competition amongst our members, which means we nailed it!
This idea was created by the chapter membership committee. As they met in the last quarter of 2020, the committee discussed ways in which to increase member engagement and participation at chapter events. They decided the best course of action would be to create a healthy competition that would engage all age groups. This is where the concept of chapter BINGO was born. The next step was how they could entice members to play. The immediate response was to offer the winner complimentary dues for the year. The only hesitation with this was the glaring truth that most members have their dues paid for by their club. In order to circumvent this, they decided to provide a cash value for the amount of chapter dues.
To the delight of the membership committee, their idea has done exactly what they desired. Members are excited about the opportunity to win a worthwhile prize and are actively playing the game. This simple idea has created another layer of fun for our members which is always key to a happy and engaged membership.

About the author
Kimberly Campuzano