Chapter Idea Fair
New Member Survey and Chapter Strategic Plan
Carolinas Chapter
Entry Details
The Carolinas Chapter Board of Directors decided that a new Member Survey and Chapter Strategic Plan should be undertaken in 2021, five years after the last survey was completed. They enlisted the professional assistance of RCS Hospitality Group to achieve these goals.
The Board Members and staff, along with Whitney Pennell and Jill Kraft of RCS Hospitality, attended a two-day Retreat at Yeaman's Hall Club in Charleston. This period of networking and intense planning and brainstorming based on the new survey results and CMAA national initiatives allowed the group to develop a new Strategic Plan for the Chapter along with a new Mission Statement. We feel that the outcomes of this process will guide the Board, staff, and members of the Carolinas Chapter for years to come.
We are in the process of implementing and communicating the results of this project. The Board has already discussed this project at our most recent Chapter Business Meeting and has emphasized the fact that future decisions about Chapter education and initiatives will be based on the Survey results, the Strategic Plan, and the new Mission Statement:
"We foster career and life enrichment by providing diverse education, industry resources, support, and social networking for a community of club management professionals."
Our members have had very favorable responses to this project and its results. They are excited about the prospect of continued pertinent and top-rated speakers and topics for their educational events.

About the author
Patricia Calder