Chapter Idea Fair
Women's Series
Golden State Chapter
Entry Details
The Women in TGSC Series enhanced our Chapter by bringing more visibility to our women managers within the Chapter. Additionally, we were able to create dialogue at a larger level within our Chapter about issues facing women, some that our male managers may not have otherwise considered. Even though our series targeted our female managers, 53 females and 42 males attended some or all of the series. This indicated a real eagerness from our male managers to also learn from and about our female managers even though we did not directly invite them to also participate.
The idea was implemented by enlisting 18 female club management industry professionals from within our Chapter with a variety of career and life experiences. Our female Managing Director and our female Vice President together developed content and ideas for the series. All panelists who were requested to do so participated in the series. Again, the turnout for the series was incredible, and feedback was also enthusiastic with requests that we repeat this in the future.

About the author
Nick Bundra