Idea Fair
All Hands on Deck for Excellence
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The development of an Employee Incentive plan that provides multiple opportunities throughout the year to encourage employee participation in "giving." The spirit of this program touches all staff members in various ways, improving morale and allowing staff members to be involved in multiple initiatives. Kindness and giving by one employee encourages the next employee to "pay it forward," and so the each "act" improves the entire staff. The good feelings and camaraderie generated among the staff improves all Club operations.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The Human Resources Department purchased a large canvas on which staff members were asked to place their hand print when they attended the annual season's staff kick-off meeting. Employees lined up to be included with their print! This first initiative, Random Acts of Kindness, encouraged team members to share a story of a personal experience when their act of kindness benefited someone else. Future initiatives include Back to School Backpack drive, Support our Troops Care packages and PINK BALL "Striking Out Breast Cancer." The canvas hangs in the Employee break room as a daily reminder of the importance of all hands in kindness. Members have no direct reaction to the program, but benefit each day from the spirit shared by staff members.

About the author
Michael McCarthy