Idea Fair
Aviation Day
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The private airport has been a part of Ocean Reef Club for 63 years. The Aviation Day event helps Club Members celebrate aviation at Ocean Reef and welcome Members and their families that might not normally go to the Airport. Members enjoy sharing stories with their grandchildren of planes they flew in their military days, often replicated in the models on display. Pilots are on hand to talk about their profession, passion and adventures. The Mosquito Control helicopter pilot was very popular with Club residents. The activities are catered toward children including EAA Rally, children’s crafts, Radio Control Airshow and static display, Flight Simulator, guest speaker, and local exhibitors (Ocean Reef Flying Club). The EAA airplane rides bring a child and pilot together, creating a great family memory.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
Implementation for this event requires a half day closure of our private runway and coordination with local organizations including the Young Eagles, a program designed to give children between the ages of 8 to 17 an opportunity to experience flight in a general aviation airplane while educating them about aviation.
The Membership has embraced this special opportunity to explore and interact with unique aircraft and aviation professionals. Members of all ages have found themselves enjoying flight simulators and remote control airplanes, not to mention taking unforgettable scenic flights around Ocean Reef and Key Largo, giving them a special perspective of their club they have never seen before. The enthusiasm from the Membership has made this event a new tradition at Ocean Reef Club.

About the author
Mic O'Keeffe