Idea Fair
Fairway Experts' Tips & Tricks
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
As we transitioned out of summer and prepared for heavy golf traffic in those early fall months, our Golf Committee along with our Head Professional, took the opportunity to remind members of common Golf Course Care & Etiquette. Through a series of videos accompanied by a visual representation “Dos and Don’ts”, we hoped to share some best practices on the course that the members and their guests could easily incorporate into their game. Topics included replacing divots, fixing ball marks, how to use divot mix, and more. We understood that attention was limited so kept it to a brief 2:21 video which lives on the website under the Golf portion for review at the member’s convenience.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
While we weren’t 100% sure what to expect from the distribution of this letter and video, we were thrilled when the membership was overwhelmingly positive and grateful for it. Our favorite quote we received in response; “You know, I play this course every weekend but rarely stop to admire it or reflect on my responsibility as a member to it. Thanks for taking the time to review these best practices to improve our community.” We noticed a large increase in replaced divots and a large decrease in misplaced broken tees, which we owe to this friendly reminder. We anticipate a follow up creation next season as well as potentially diving deeper into course care as many members have requested this since our original video release!

About the author
Kada Cernek