Idea Fair
Family Campout Newsletter
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The Club has been hosting a campout for many years, and while it is well attended and we receive great feedback, we wanted to hone in on minor adjustments to improve the experience. This small addition to our family campout enhanced the member experience by creating a keepsake for the event, got children excited about seeing their faces in the paper, and gave the nostalgic feel of a physical paper in the hands of our parents. This also provided an outlet to highlight upcoming events as an added bonus.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The framework of the paper was created prior to the event, and then photos and next day’s weather was added in the night of the camp out after most of the festivities. A team member dropped off the newspapers the next morning outside of the tents on their way in to work the breakfast, and had a few extra copies in the dining room for breakfast. The kids and parents enjoyed it, and some even took an extra copy to make sure they could show their family that they had made the paper.

About the author
Erin Schlegel