Idea Fair
Gertrude Devlin Invitational
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
The Gertrude Devlin Invitational is an annual community-focused golf tournament here at Flint Hills National Golf Club named after our owner's mother. Ms. Gertrude Devlin was a lifelong lover of and advocate for the name of golf. We invite 41 die-hard golf-loving ladies from all over the state of Kansas to play in the Gertrude Devlin Invitational, hosting different participants each year. We treat the ladies to breakfast and lunch, caddies, carts, gifts and prizes, plus discounted lodging/practice rounds, if desired. Tom Devlin, our aforementioned owner, recalls a participant asking him if he remembered the old television show ‘Queen for a Day.’ He said he did, and she responded, “Well, that’s what I feel like when I come here.” This is a huge compliment for us and highlights the significance of this event for all involved. Hosting a golf tournament with a strong emphasis on community outreach enhances our operation in many ways. Beyond the competitive spirit on the golf course, the Gertrude Devlin Invitational serves as a powerful platform to strengthen ties with the local community and fosters a sense of goodwill. As one of many private clubs in the area, there is a unique, symbiotic relationship between us and the surrounding community, leading to enhanced operations and a more vibrant, socially responsible club environment.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The Gertrude Devlin Invitational is an annual event and has become a favorite of both club members and staff. Some of our female club members participate in the tournament, playing in foursomes consisting of themselves and three invited guests. They eat breakfast and lunch with the ladies, too, and may even join them for practice rounds or other events. Our members enthusiastically embrace the opportunity to combine their love for the sport with a great cause and contribute to an event that is very important to our club. The overall sentiment among our membership regarding this event is one of unity and pride, as they realize that this tournament not only elevates the golfing experience but also makes a meaningful impact on participants. The Gertrude Devlin Invitational is a symbol of camaraderie at Flint Hills National Golf Club and an event that everyone looks forward to.

About the author
Christina Gusella