Idea Fair
Go Dogs Go!!
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
There was low morale when I started at Crestmont in March 2023. My first goal was to work on staff culture. I gave the team a mascot, their own logo and even gave out apparel with the Crestmont team logo on it. We became the "Crestmont Dogs." Every department was given a team bulldog mascot and a description of our new incentive program. Any time a manager or member recognized an employee for great service or helping out a fellow teammate, they were given a Crestmont Dog sticker. When you accumulated 4 stickers, you automatically received a $100 bonus in your paycheck. At the end of the season (10/31) the employee with the most "dogs" would be awarded the Top Dog Trophy and receive a bonus of $1,000.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The department heads and all supervisory staff participated and really loved the idea of rewarding their teams. Everyone was part of the process.
This season, I received what I feel is the most amazing compliment a GM can get from their membership. An overwhelming number of members came to me and said, "We have never seen the staff so happy." My team had a new outlook on their roles, they felt appreciated and they worked hard. Their efforts and positive attitude were so infectious the membership could feel it as well.

About the author
Dana Cancellaro, CCM