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Idea Fair

Graniteville Train Display & Contest

How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?

The centrepiece of the December holidays at the Granite Club is the Graniteville miniature train display, which is installed annually in the central Skylite Lobby in the heart of the clubhouse. A miniature Santa Claus is featured in the display, and he moves every few days throughout the holiday season. Children and parents alike return again and again to find Santa in each new location. A contest is run for young members, where they are asked to find various miniatures within the display before submitting their ballot for a raffle prize. Three contest winners are featured in the club’s Granite News magazine.

How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?

First created 19 years ago and growing larger every year, the train display captures the hearts and imaginations of members and guests of all ages. The display now encompasses an impressive 80 square feet and features 700 trees, 60 buildings, 300 miniature figures, 80 vehicles, and more than 500 miniature lights. Several elements of the display are motorized for movement. The train operates on a daily schedule, covering up to 12.5 kilometres a day and 590 kilometres throughout the season! Every year, members look forward to seeing the display and discovering what has been modified or expanded from the year prior. They strike up conversations with other members as they pore over every detail. It’s a whimsical, magical experience and now a cherished Granite tradition, spreading joy and creating special memories for all.

About the author

John Gravett

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