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Idea Fair

Jewish Association for Residential Care

How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?

Addison Reserve Works with JARC. We participate in a number of community efforts and are proud to do so. This year, we have added a new outreach program to our list of organizations. JARC Florida (Jewish Association for Residential Care)is doing a tremendous job in assisting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The chapter that we work with is currently assisting 30 persons to become independent through their Community Works Program. Our original complement of four participants, who varied from day to day, has been narrowed down to two young ladies that we have hired as part-time employees. What we have given them, cannot be measured as a comparison to the joy they have brought to Addison! They are thrilled to be here and they are gaining more and more confidence and knowledge everyday. As our main season winds down, we will work with new participants from this program.

How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?

At the start of our 2017-2018 season we hired two young ladies from the JARC Florida program to join our baking and pastry team as part time cooks.

Hayley and Angela are now fully equipped in uniform, receive employee benefits, and are part of the pastry/kitchen team. Our Pastry Chef Dana Iannelli works closely with them in developing their skills such as traying cookies, baking cookies, packing cookies, making cake pops, packaging favors, peeling vegetables, picking herbs, etc. Their joy and self-confidence has grown and we have grown with them. The girls are the talk of the Club these days coming off the staff bowling party.

Hayley and Angela bowl every week and have a special Olympics tournament coming up in the summer - they really showed us a thing or two!

About the author

Michael McCarthy

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