Idea Fair
Superhero Training
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
As anyone planning a youth event will know, scavenger hunts are a popular element to add for almost any child's birthday party, camp activity or elementary school event. Children love to follow clues, solve mysteries, and collect prizes at the end of a successful hunt. At CCV, we were ready to do more than a paper clue trail and the youth staff looked for a way to increase the excitement and surprise factor for our young members. That is when one staff suggested that he would make a wonderful Captain America at the end of a summertime scavenger hunt and we all agreed! An inexpensive costume was purchased, he "suited up", and we led the kids on a hunt where the last clue took them to ... the actual Captain America. Our plan worked! The kids giggled and screamed, they were definitely excited, and they went home with a much more interesting story to share about camp that day. Since then, we have used this technique on multiple occasions and it is always a hit with the children.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
An inexpensive costume, a willing staff and a little bit of creativity are all it took to increase the interest and excitement for young members. The parents have noticed the change as well. This summer, camp parents have stopped us to ask about their young camper's "Ursula encounter" from the day before. Not only was it memorable and something fun to share when the camper went home, a few of them even booked a birthday party so the "character" could be there.

About the author
Anne Stryhn