Idea Fair
Nutcracker Tea
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
Members look forward each year to The Houston City Ballet coming to their private club for an exclusive performance of an abridged version of The Nutcracker at the start of the Christmas season. During this annual favorite, we host 400 Members and children as they watch the Sugar Plum Fairy and her court prancing before their very eyes with awe and wonder. This event has sold out every year since its inception within a 24-hour period of opening reservations.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The Houston Racquet Club Women’s Association sponsors the upfront cost and organizes the logistics of providing teatime treats and goody bags for each child. A Nutcracker Boutique and raffle are also held during the event, which raises upwards of $8,000 each year benefiting the Inner-City Ballet. This is a much-awaited Member favorite event.

About the author
Cathy Perrin