Idea Fair
Super Secret Specials
How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?
Hallbrook’s Mission is to inspire our members to grow connections and lead active lifestyles. Our team’s goal is to connect with our members in a way that motivates and empowers them to take action and get involved. Our recreation staff came together to brainstorm a way that would encourage and empower our members to step outside of thei. comfort zone. Mixing up routines and attending new classes or clinics can be intimidating; that is where we created an “exclusive” group called the Super, Secret, Specials! Members of the Super, Secret, Specials are offered classes, clinic, and tennis pub deals that showcase our Recreation amenities. We have seen much success with this style of promotion for classes or clinics that we are looking to grow and/or have a higher participation rate with. This group allows members to sample our Recreation amenities that they might be interested in making a part of their normal routine.
How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?
The implementation process started by identifying three exclusive deals that would be promoted each month under these categories: racquets, fitness, and wellness. A couple examples of these exclusive deals are a FREE 30-minute pickleball lesson, FREE sign-up for our Ashtanga-Vinyasa Fusion class, and a FREE seasonal smoothie! Member can fill out an online sign-up form on a separate site created by our team to showcase these deals. The site is promoted via social media, email campaigns, and physical flyers throughout the Recreation Center. Email campaigns also include an in-depth video of these special offers. Members are given a new loyalty card each month that has the updated deals and can be marked off once they have used one of the promoted offers. Offers are changed every month and are only meant for one-time use.

About the author
Bailey Hensley