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Idea Fair

Tree Lighting and Golf Car Parade

How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?

Our holiday parade idea significantly enriched our club's operations. Members loved the opportunity to showcase their creativity by decorating golf carts in festive themes, turning this into a bonding experience. This pre-event activity, coupled with the delight of enjoying appetizers and festive cocktails while listening to live Christmas carols, heightened the joy and anticipation experienced by our members.

The combination of creative engagement, and the festive communal atmosphere of this event strengthened our members' sense of unity and belonging. It also demonstrated our club's commitment to inclusive, innovative, and enjoyable events, enhancing our reputation and furthering our commitment to fostering a vibrant and spirited community.

How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?

Implementing this parade idea involved thoughtful planning, coordination, and collaboration. It commenced with securing necessary permissions in cooperation with the local sheriff, thus ensuring the safety and smooth operation of the event.

Our members were invited to decorate their golf cars, which became an event in itself, encouraging creativity, friendly competition, and anticipation. Accompanied by live Christmas carols, appetizers, and holiday cocktails, this added an extra layer of festivity and excitement to the occasion.

The implementation was seamless, creating an event that was not only enjoyable but also inclusive and community oriented. The reaction from club members was enormously positive. They appreciated both the novelty of the parade and the safety measures taken. Seeing their neighborhood transformed into a festive parade route provided a sense of joy, unity, and community spirit. By organizing with the local sheriff's department for neighborhood street access and having them lead the parade, we ensured a fun and safe event for all participants.

Overall, the event was cherished by members and added a new, exciting, and enduring tradition to our club's calendar.

About the author

Lori LeBard

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