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Idea Fair

Volley Machines

How has this idea enhanced your club's operation, etc.?

As the Racquets facility continues to grow at Bay Head Yacht Club, so does the demand for programs, lessons, and court usage. Racquets Director Tyler Owens can often find himself on the court, assisting members with lessons of all skill levels. To give the members more options and clear up court time for the professionals, Tyler introduced Volley Machines. Volley Machines can help anyone who aspires to improve at platform tennis by assisting in the teaching process. They are self-service ball machines, similar to what you would find at a batting cage, but with a wide range of capabilities and state-of-the-art technology.

How was this idea implemented, and what have been the club members' reactions?

The Volley Machines have gained lots of traction since being introduced and are an integral part of Racquets lessons, with or without a professional, clinics, solo practice, and doubles practice. Operated through an app, members have full access to use the machines in whatever way they see fit without the need for a professional to be onsite. It helps to improve players’ games and gives an exciting spark to some who may have been intimidated by platform tennis. It’s an opportunity for both beginners and experts to sharpen their skills and help grow the confidence of members, which in turn grows the community.

The Volley Machines are used multiple times a day and have proved popular with those who try them! As a fairly new addition, the department is eager to introduce them to more members and more programs in the next year.

About the author

Holly Bilotti

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