Idea Fair
Nerf Celebration & Pool Party
This summer we hosted our first Nerf Celebration & Pool Party. Children were told to bring their own Nerf guns and the Club provided safety goggles, foam darts and ammo belts to all participants. After being divided into the blue or orange team, participants played a capture the flag style game for team prizes. The playing field was setup with various obstacles created from commonly used items at the Club. Overall, we had 55 children participate at this event.
The best part of implementing this idea was that we were able to use items from around the Club to create our nerf "battle area". Old tires, barrels, wooden pallets, lockers, etc. all made up the hiding areas for our participants.
The reaction to this event was very positive. We have an active children's schedule but are always struggling to create events that will appeal to our younger male members. This event was a nice addition to our schedule for families with both boys and girls.

About the author
Albert Costantini