Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: May 2023
Featured Strategy
Advocating for Our Industry through National Golf Day
Annually, CMAA joins the leaders of the US golf industry’s most prominent allied associations for National Golf Day, in cooperation with the American Golf Industry Coalition (formerly We Are Golf). The 2023 event was held on Wednesday, May 10, and more than 275 industry professionals visited Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Advocates met with 250 members of Congress to highlight and discuss the industry’s valuable contributions to our nation's economy, society, environment, and local communities.
The Coalition also released a new national Economic Impact Study, which shows golf’s growth in popularity as a recreational activity with roughly 1 in 7 people participating and a $102 billion direct economic impact in 2022, an increase of 20 percent over its $84 billion direct impact in 2016.
One of the priorities this year is to ask Congress to modernize the US tax code through the passage of HR3124, sponsored by Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (R-NY) and Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-CA). This legislation corrects exclusionary language (§ 144(c)(6)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code) that disqualifies any “any private or commercial golf course, country club” from access to various forms of disaster reliefer and economic stimulus programs that are available to other hospitality businesses, such as restaurants, hotels, and attractions. Learn more about this proposed legislation.
Advocates also made requests to address additional funding for turfgrass research, create a permanent returning worker exemption to the H-2B visa annual cap, and pass the PHIT Act. Learn more about these issues.
We need your help to continue to educate Congress. Many CMAA members have already participated in our virtual advocacy campaign, and we thank you! Our efforts continue throughout the month of May. Please take five minutes to make your voice heard on issues impacting our industry. CMAA members across the country are encouraged to support the event virtually by contacting their members of Congress using this Action Alert.
Your efforts will echo and expand the work of CMAA’s Advocacy Committee and Legislative Chairmen. Your voice is vital to our efforts to emphasize the immense value that clubs provide to their communities for decade after decade. Through your participation, we can reach every Member of Congress.
For more information, contact Melissa Low, CAE, Senior Director, Communications & Advocacy, at 703-739-9500.
The Advocacy Committee led by Jeff Isbell, CCM, met on the Hill to advocate for pressing legislative issues on National Golf Day on May 10, 2023.
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Congratulations to the Upper Midwest Chapter who won first place in the 2022 Chapter Idea Fair for their idea in the “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” category. Read more about their “Fierce & Fearless Female Leaders” event.
"It presented positive perspectives for females in varied leadership roles and how to embrace and show leadership not only in Clubs but across the hospitality spectrum."
To Do
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
Has your Chapter filled out the Blueprint for Chapter Success this year? This tool leads your Chapter through a process of self-evaluation and goal setting. Make sure to share this resource with your Chapter at your next meeting and be the best that you can be!
Managing Directors
We want to publicize your Chapter’s events! Please send pictures and descriptions to us so we can show you off!
Career Services Chairman
CMAA Job Boards Advertise All Levels of Club Opportunities
More than 20 years ago, CMAA started listing top management jobs to its members online. Today, that one job board has grown into four and lists all sorts of club opportunities—from Entry-Level on up. And those job boards are buzzing! Please share this information with club staff to partake of this great member benefit. Please note—job listers do not need to be a member of CMAA. Anyone can list a job.
Contact Karen Woodie with any questions.
The Club Foundation Liaison
The Club Foundation Supports Students and Faculty
This year The Club Foundation has increased the number of dollars awarded to students through the Joe Perdue Scholarship. Recipients will receive $5,000, paid directly to their university bursar account to cover the cost of tuition and/or fees. We are excited about this increase as we work to support the future leaders in our industry.
The Club Foundation’s two student deadlines are both on June 1:
- Joe Perdue Scholarship: The scholarship is open to any individual who is actively seeking a managerial career in the club industry and currently attending an accredited, four-year college or university undergraduate program. Candidates must provide strong evidence that they are pursuing managerial careers in the private club industry and have completed their freshman year of college. For complete details about eligibility and guidelines, please see the Application Instructions on our website.
- Student Chapter Grant: This annual grant program for CMAA Student Chapters is comprised of two parts: a complimentary student registration to the CMAA World Conference for the Chapter President (or his/her representative) and a matching-funds travel grant of $500 to assist with expenses related to attending the Conference. All student chapters of CMAA are eligible to apply. For more details, please visit the Apply page on our website.
The Club Foundation in tandem with CMAA’s research and education departments supports a Faculty Research Grant. Applications are due August 1.
- The Faculty Research Grant Program maintains the goal of supporting Club Industry Research projects and efforts on the part of hospitality faculty members of accredited, four-year institutions, with established hospitality degree programs. As Grant recipients, individuals will receive support from the CMAA Research and Education departments and be considered for funding from The Club Foundation based on the availability of funds. Applications are reviewed and evaluated for approval by the CMAA Research Committee and recipients will be required to submit an article for potential publication by CMAA. Learn more.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
Brag on Your Chapter by May 15
We know your Chapter is accomplishing great things. Share your events, philanthropic activities, awards, and more. Submissions are used as space is available, and may appear in Club Management magazine, Chapter Digest, Outlook, or on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram). Our next deadline is coming up for the Chapter News section of Club Management magazine. We’d love to include your Chapter in the July/August 2023 edition.
All items should be submitted electronically to Please send hi-resolution photographs (300 dpi) as separate graphic files (jpg, png).
For questions, please contact Melissa Low, CAE, Senior Director, Communications and Advocacy, at 703-739-9500 ext. 286.
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
It’s Not Too Late to Advocate for Our Industry
Annually, CMAA joins the leaders of the US golf industry’s most prominent allied associations for National Golf Day, in cooperation with the American Golf Industry Coalition (formerly We Are Golf). The 2023 event was held on Wednesday, May 10, and more than 275 industry professionals visited Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Advocates met with members of Congress to highlight and discuss the industry’s valuable contributions to our nation's economy, environment, and local communities.
But our efforts to educate Congress are not over. Many CMAA members have already participated in our advocacy campaign, and we thank you! Our efforts continue throughout the month of May. Please take five minutes to make your voice heard on issues impacting our industry using this Action Alert.
Your efforts will echo and expand the work of CMAA’s Advocacy Committee and Legislative Chairmen. Through your participation, we can reach every Member of Congress.
For more information, contact Melissa Low, CAE, Senior Director, Communications & Advocacy, at 703-739-9500.
Membership Chairman
Welcome Your New Members
Attending your first meeting or event can be intimidating—remember to make new members feel welcome at Chapter events.
Professional Development
Register for the Club Leadership Summit
Enhance your partnership with your club’s elected leader(s) with CMAA’s Club Leadership Summits. Register today for the upcoming Club Leadership Summit. The one-day, in-person Summit will be held on May 22 at The Chicago Club in Chicago, IL.
Prepare your club’s elected leadership for success with focused information on relevant strategic topics, including governance, finance, trends, and club legislation.
The 2023 in-person cost is $350 for the GM/CEO and one Board Member. Additional Board Members are $150.
Research Chairman
Benchmark Your Club’s Diversity Efforts
The Club Employee Demographic Assessment is a research survey presented with support from CMAA and The Club Foundation, will provide a baseline and snapshot of the demographics across the club industry. This three-year project will enable your club to benchmark your changing demographics over time.
Your club's participation and information are confidential. Please submit one response per club. You will gain insight into your team’s diversity and assist in formulating your own DEI strategy and tactics. Your club's participation in this assessment will provide data to help CMAA build education and resources to help clubs recruit and retain diverse talent, making it attractive for everyone to choose to work in clubs.
Thank you in advance for your club's participation in this important initiative!
Student Chapter Liaison
Verify Your Club’s Internship Program
CMAA has developed a Verified Internship Program to elevate and streamline club internship offerings. Because clubs differ widely in their membership size, culture, and offerings, it may be difficult for students to know exactly what they can expect from their internship experience. This verified internship criteria helps manage the expectations of students, faculty, and managers, and holistically showcases what a career in the club industry looks like.
Interested in having your club’s internship program recognized as a CMAA Verified Internship? Access the program criteria and learn more online.
New Member Totals
We're excited to welcome more new members, and we're nearly halfway to our goal. Can you help us get further?
Chapter Spotlight
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!