Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: December 2022
Featured Strategy
Giving Tuesday 2022 Success Because of Chapter Involvement
This year’s Chapter Challenge on Giving Tuesday was a success! This annual fundraising effort by nonprofits around the globe raised more than $3.1 billion to support missions of every kind and size. Giving Tuesday this year was on November 29 and through your kindness, we collected approximately $17,000 to fund scholarships for CMAA members and our industry. Like last year, most Giving Tuesday contributions to The Club Foundation resulted from the Chapter Challenge.
We are so grateful to each of you who donate and so many of the Chapter Managing Directors who worked to get the word out and encourage donations! Each Chapter was assigned a fundraising goal based on Chapter size and many congratulations to the team at City of New York Chapter who raised more than 144 percent of their goal!
The funds donated for Giving Tuesday will be spent on scholarships and grants to managers, students, faculty, Chapters, and the Club Industry. These awards are possible because of your generosity and the generosity of 2,600 other members who make the future of our industry a priority for their annual charitable giving.
In addition to scholarships and grants, The Foundation’s giving portfolio includes award grants for Chapter of the Year and New Recruitment contest winners. The Club Foundation places a priority on providing education grants to Chapters. It is our pleasure to provide those dollars each year, to support your efforts at the local level to provide the very best continuing education for your members.
Detailed information about all the ways that The Foundation supports the membership can be found on our website.
Our next fundraising effort is to secure year-end gifts as the end of the 2022 tax year ends. Please consider making a year-end gift. Together with all those who donate throughout the year, you are making a difference in the lives of others and in the future of our industry.
There are several ways to donate:
- Make an online donation or mail a check
- Make a stock/securities donation
- Add a contribution to your membership renewal
- Make a pledge to donate over time or make an online recurring donation
- Include The Club Foundation in your estate planning
For more information about giving, please call us at 703-299-4284 or send us a message.
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Congratulations to the Ohio Valley Chapter who won first place in the 2022 Chapter Idea Fair for their idea in the “Governance” category. Check out how they implemented a Board Service Commitment Pledge in their Chapter.
"By implementing a 'Board Service Commitment Pledge,' our board members are acknowledging the commitment expected prior to their term allowing for the board to work together more cohesively and with greater intention."
- Four Emerging Club Management Professionals Awarded 2023 James B. Singerling Scholarships
- Catch Up on the Let’s Talk Club Management Podcast: Ep. 84: What You Should Be Looking For in Your Next Team, Job, and Club and Ep. 83: What’s Up in Washington
To Do
- December 15: Register for the 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo & Qualify for Early Registration Pricing
- December 15: Chapter of the Year Entries Due
- December 31: Deadline to Submit Your Interest to Serve on 2023 National Committee
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
Deadline Approaching: Calling All National Committee Volunteers
As a membership organization, CMAA is governed by members to serve members. Standing and At-Conference committees are an important part of CMAA’s leadership structure and vital to its success.
Each fall, CMAA puts out a call for volunteers for Professional/Alumnus members to serve on national committees. CMAA Chapter leaders are a great resource for helping us identify potential applicants and encouraging them to submit the required volunteer service information.
Appointments are made by the incoming CMAA Chairman and designed to achieve balanced member representation from chapters and regions, club types, individual demographics, skill set, and professional experience.
Close to 150 committee openings are anticipated for 2023. National committee service qualifications criteria, additional information, and the service request form are available on our website. As committee placements and needs vary annually, CMAA cannot guarantee selection of all volunteer applications. Applications to serve are due by December 31, 2022.
Thanks in advance for encouraging your fellow members (or you!) to get involved with CMAA in this volunteer capacity. Member guidance and input are critical to the Association’s continued success!!
Managing Directors
Members who have not paid their national dues by the end of the year will be dropped from the Association’s roster. Please look at your Chapter lists to see who has yet to renew and help us keep these members onboard. If you need assistance determining who still needs to renew, please contact the Membership Team.
Career Services Chairman
'Tis the Season
Now is the time to add your winter and spring internships to CMAA's ClubCareers. Available to CMAA members and their clubs for more than a decade, hundreds of students have perused and applied for the chance to work in the club industry and we want to keep the best and the brightest candidates. The listing is free and easy to complete. Please consider adding your opportunity(s).
The Club Foundation Liaison
Congratulations to the Chapter Challenge Winners
Thank you to all those who donated on Giving Tuesday and congratulations to our Chapter Challenge winners:
- 1st place—City of New York Chapter raised 144.94 percent of goal
- 2nd place—Pelican Chapter raised 103.09 percent of goal
- 3rd place—Michigan Chapter raised 100 percent of goal
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
Tips for 2023 Planning
Our CMAA Communications team recently completed our official planning for 2023. Having an annual communications plan will prepare your Chapter to successfully meet its strategic goals. It helps you identify messages you need to communicate, to whom you need to communicate them, and what channels to use while doing so. Additionally, it can be shared with your entire volunteer team to help keep everyone engaged, informed, and on the same page.
Use these tips to help develop your plan:
Thinking Strategically
- What initiatives is your Chapter focusing on in the coming year? (Membership growth, event attendance, fundraising/philanthropy, volunteer recruitment, etc.)
- What are your long-term goals?
- What are your important annual dates? (Meetings, anniversaries, traditions, etc.)
Thinking Tactically
- When are the best times to communicate?
- What communication outlets have been successful in the past?
- What outlets have not been successful?
- How are the demographics changing within your Chapter? How might that affect your communication methods?
- Are there any communication outlets that should be retired?
For a sample template or further suggestions, please contact your official liaisons Melissa Low, CAE, Senior Director, Communications and Advocacy, and Kyle Jennings, Manager, Communications.
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
H-2B Visa Updates-New Eligible Country and Additional FY2023 Release
The Department of Homeland Security, in conjunction with the Secretary of State, has announced updates to the list of countries whose residents are eligible to participate in the H-2B program. Assessments for eligibility are based on meeting regulatory standards. One new country was added to the existing 86 countries. Individuals from the Kingdom of Eswatini are now eligible to participate. No countries were removed from eligibility. These became effective November 10 and will remain in effect for one year.
In October, the DHS and the Department of Labor announced their intention to release 64,716 additional H-2B visas for FY2023. As of November 22, the regulation to release these visas has been received at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). This is the last step in the regulatory process. Stay tuned for the official release and more details!
Membership Chairman
New Member Recruitment Contest Ends December 31
Please look at the New Member Recruitment Contest standings and see how your Chapter is doing. Most Chapters have already met or exceeded their goals! Remember, winning chapters in each size category will receive a $2,000 Education Grant funded by The Club Foundation. Congratulations on an incredible recruitment year!
Professional Development
Register for the Virtual Certification Review Course
The next offering for the Joe Perdue Certification Review Course will be in the virtual format on January 17–20, 2023. This is a great opportunity for those members who are comfortable with the virtual format and are confident they can self-study for the exam. With the virtual review course, members will be required to watch videos for each competency through CMAA University. They will have a live session during the week of January 17–20 with the instructor for each competency for Q&A and short quizzes.
Members will schedule to sit for the exam at a testing center near their home or club. The proctored exam date will be within the week from the review course.
Members must submit a Certification Petition to the Education Department to have credits reviewed for eligibility to sit for the exam. Once eligible, an exam registration form can be submitted at least two weeks prior to the exam date. Upon completion of the exam registration form, the National Office education department will create an invoice for the $200 exam fee.
For more information on registering for the exam or taking the BMI Certification Review Course, members can contact Sonya Rome, Manager, Certification and Education, at 703-739-9500.
Research Chairman
Club Employee Demographic Assessment Now Available
The Club Employee Demographic Assessment, presented with support from The Club Foundation, will provide a baseline and snapshot of the demographics across the club industry. This three-year project will enable your club to benchmark your changing demographics over time.
According to the 2020 US Census, nearly four of 10 Americans identify with a race of ethnic group other than white. This is especially noteworthy for the younger portion of the population (16 & younger) identified as a racial or ethnic minority.
Diversity in the workplace means employing people of different ages, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, and education levels.
Please encourage your Chapter members to participate—their information will be confidential. We are asking for only one response per club. Participating in this assessment will allow you to gain insight into your team’s diversity and assist in formulating your own DEI strategy and tactics.
Participation in this assessment will also provide data to help CMAA build education and resources to help clubs recruit and retain diverse talent, making it attractive for everyone to choose to work in clubs.
Student Chapter Liaison
Help Your Students Prepare for the Student Chapter Idea Fair and Shark Tank Competition
There are two opportunities at the 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo for Student members to show off their ideas and interests.
The Student Chapter Idea Fair is your Chapter's chance to share as many ideas as you’d like across six different categories for a chance to win a $1,000 chapter grant from The Club Foundation. Show off everything your Chapter has done to be successful! Entries are due January 23, 2023.
The Student Shark Tank Competition is for any student member (or a group up to five) that has an innovative mind. Do you have an idea or product that you think the club industry could benefit from? Tell us about it! Learn more about this program and the chance to win a $1,000 Visa gift card. Entries are due January 18, 2023.
New Member Totals
Shoutout to the 37 Chapters that have achieved their recruitment goals this year!
Chapter Spotlight
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!