Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: October 2022
Featured Strategy
CMAA’s 2022 Membership Year is Coming to an End
CMAA’s membership year ends on October 31. Please encourage your Chapter members to renew their memberships at their earliest convenience so they do not incur any late fees that may be assessed in the future.
All check payments should be mailed to CMAA’s lockbox address:
Club Management Association of America
PO Box 37626
Baltimore, MD 21297-3626
Additionally, please remind them that they can save time and renew online with their credit card by logging into their CMAA profile page.
If you know of any unemployed managers who are actively looking for a job in the industry, please have them contact Sara Thom to see if they qualify for a deferment of their dues (Continuation status).
If you or your chapter members have any questions concerning membership renewals for 2023, please email the Membership Department or call 703-739-9500.
Thank you. We look forward to yet another great membership year!
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Congratulations to the Carolinas Chapter who won first place in the 2022 Chapter Idea Fair for their idea in the “Member Interest Groups and Communities” category. See how they are using mentorship in their Women in Club Management group.
"Three of our experienced female managers formed an advisory group consisting of female managers of all ages and experience."
- Six Universal Key Club Performance Indicators Established
- Six Club Management Professionals Awarded Sally Burns Rambo Scholarship
- Catch Up on the Let’s Talk Club Management Podcast: Ep. 81: Demystifying Cyber Security Pt. 2
To Do
- October 28: Participate in the Compensation & Benefits Survey
- October 31: Renew Your 2023 National Membership
- November 4: Nominations Due for the Fellows Program
- November 29: Save the Date for Giving Tuesday & Support The Club Foundation
- December 1: Chapter Officer/Chairman Report Form Due
- December 15: Register for the 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo & Qualify for Early Registration Pricing
- December 15: Chapter of the Year Entries Due
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
Has your Chapter utilized the Blueprint for Chapter Success? If not, now is the time! This document was designed to lead CMAA Chapter officers through a process of self-evaluation and goal setting. Check it out and pick a time to complete the blueprint with your Chapter Officers.
Managing Directors
This is a reminder that the online Chapter Officer/Chairman Report is due by December 1.
Career Services Chairman
Take Care of Yourself—Make Sure Your Résumé Can Sing Your Praises
Whether you are seeking a new position or just keeping an eye the job boards, one of your most effective tools is an up-to-date résumé. Having a professionally polished résumé available, should that opportunity arise, puts you in the running. Look at what you currently have. If it is more than two years old, it is time to refresh. Contact Erin Kennedy at Professional Résumé Services for a free 15-minute consultation to get started. You'll be happy you did.
The Club Foundation Liaison
Mark Your Calendars—Scholarship Deadlines and Giving Tuesday
There are two more scholarship deadlines during 2022. Take note and share these dates with your Chapter:
- Willmoore H. Kendall Scholarship for managers and emerging leaders – submission due November 1
- LaRocca Family Executive Scholarship for mentor-mentee management teams – submission due November 1
Giving Tuesday, the Global Day of Giving, occurs this year on Tuesday, November 29. Watch for social media posts throughout the day on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Text CFGIVING to 51555 to receive updates or text TUESDAY to 91999 to give for Giving Tuesday today.
For more information about CF scholarships, grants, and fundraising, please visit our website. You can also call us at 703-299-4284 or fill out our online contact form.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
Brag on Your Chapter
We know your Chapter is accomplishing great things. Share your events, philanthropic activities, awards, and more. Submissions are used as space is available, and may appear in Club Management magazine, Chapter Digest, Outlook, or on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram).
Add these dates to your calendar and make plans to brag on your Chapter in the Chapter News section of the Club Management magazine!
January/February 2023 Edition—Content Due by November 1
March/April 2023 Edition—Content Due by January 21
May/June 2023 Edition—Content Due by March 15
July/August 2023 Edition—Content Due by May 12
September/October 2023 Edition—Content Due by July 14
November/December 2023 Edition—Content Due by September 1
All items should be submitted electronically to Please send hi-resolution photographs (300 dpi) as separate graphic files (jpg, png).
For questions, please contact Melissa Low, CAE, Senior Director, Communications and Advocacy, at 703-739-9500 ext. 286.
Corporate Relations Chairman
Get Started on Your Cybersecurity Journey with Pulsar Security
Pulsar Security, a CMAA Education Partner, has been providing cybersecurity services for more than 20 years. No matter the size, all clubs need to protect themselves and their members from malicious attackers and cyber threats. Knowing where to start and taking the first step is often the hardest decision. The Pulsar team can present to your Chapter in non-technical terms the nature of the threats knocking at your club’s door and how to prevent similar attacks from happening to you.
To enhance security best practices and raise security awareness within the club industry, we are offering a limited number of Chapter speaking engagements at no charge for 2023. Reach out to Katie Gusella to secure your date.
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
Department of Labor Proposes Updated Independent Contractor Rule with “Totality-of-the-Circumstances” Approach
The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a new proposed regulation to redefine a worker’s status as an employee or independent contractor under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Despite speculation that the new rule would mirror the stringent “ABC Test” currently used in several states, the proposed rule embraces a multi-factor economic realities test to assess the working relationship between the individual and the entity.
The proposed rule outlines six economic reality test factors to consider in determining whether an employment relationship exists. Read more in the Legislative Report.
DOL is accepting public comments on the proposed regulation through November 28, and CMAA is formulating our response. CMAA would like to hear from you in the formulation of our comments. How will these proposed regulations impact your team and operations? Will your current independent contractors be impacted or need to be reclassified? Share your comments by contacting Melissa Low, CAE.
Membership Chairman
New Member Recruitment Contest Ends December 31
The 2022 New Member Recruitment Contest ends on December 31. CMAA is having an incredible recruitment year! Has your Chapter met its goal? Keep on recruiting! Remember, the winning Chapters in each size category win a $2,000 Education Grant from The Club Foundation. Let’s meet and exceed those goals!
Professional Development
Registration for World Conference Is Open
Get inspired and gain new insights at the CMAA World Conference and Club Business Expo. Bask in the Florida sun on a break from your day-to-day responsibilities and stock up on vitamins C, M, A, & A. It’s your time to shine in your role as a club management professional and a leader. Join club management professionals from around the world at the club industry’s largest annual gathering and the only event focused on the business of running a club. Register today.
Research Chairman
There Is Still Time to Participate in the Compensation and Benefits Survey
The 2022 Compensation and Benefits Survey launched earlier this month. All CMAA Professional Members have been invited to participate in the survey and if you have not yet submitted your data, there is still time to do so. The survey is easy to complete and includes customized reporting tools for you and your staff. The study is hosted and maintained by Industry Insights on the CMAA Research Portal.
Participants will receive a complimentary copy of the industry report plus a customized Club Compensation Report, with their club’s compensation figures reported alongside the appropriate industry comparatives. Club Resource Center subscribers who participate in the survey will also receive access to an online portal for interactive industry comparatives.
As an additional benefit of participation, participating clubs will receive a chapter level report if their Chapter has a participation level of at least 10 clubs and a 20 percent Chapter participation rate.
The deadline for participation is October 28. If you have any questions, please contact Patti Clever at 614-389-2100 ext. 111 or Amilcar Davy, CMAA's Director of Research, at 703-739-9500.
Student Chapter Liaison
Start Planning Now: Student Chapter Idea Fair and Shark Tank Competition
There are two opportunities at the 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo for Student members to show off their ideas and interests.
The Student Chapter Idea Fair is your Chapter's chance to share as many ideas as you’d like across six different categories for a chance to win a $1,000 chapter grant from The Club Foundation. Show off everything your Chapter has done to be successful! Entries are due January 23, 2023.
The Student Shark Tank Competition is for any student member (or a group up to five) that has an innovative mind. Do you have an idea or product that you think the club industry could benefit from? Tell us about it! Learn more about this program and the chance to win a $1,000 Visa gift card. Entries are due January 18, 2023.
Wine Society Liaison
Join the Society of Wine Educators for a Webinar
Did you know that you have access to exclusive discounts on the most up-to-date wine and spirits education and certification programs offered by the Society of Wine Educators (SWE)? These programs feature instructor-led online education, monthly webinars, online resources, and more. Offering team members professional development opportunities is one of the best ways to not only train but retain top talent. It’s also an excellent recruitment tool and can drive customer engagement and beverage sales. Please join the SWE’s Director of Education, Jane Nickles, and Sales Manager, Ben Coffelt, on November 17 at 12:00 noon EST to discuss the various programs available, different training tools, the exclusive discounts on offer to CMAA members, and answer any questions you might have. Please RSVP by email to Ben Coffelt.
New Member Totals
With your help, we surpassed our goal!
Chapter Spotlight
Florida Chapter Rallies Around Club Staff Impacted by Hurricane Ian
It has been nearly a month since Hurricane Ian devastated the west coast of Florida. The Florida Chapter, in collaboration with the Seminole Region Charity Golf Tournament Committee, has focused its efforts to raise funds to support the front-line club employees on the west coast of South Florida most affected by this devastating natural disaster. All funds will benefit these individuals directly.
CMAA and The Club Foundation have each contributed $10,000 to the effort to help these individuals to rebuild their homes and lives.
Donations can be made to support the effort by texting “HELPCLUBSTAFF” to 44321 or visiting their online giving portal.
Share Your News
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!