Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: April 2023
Featured Strategy
Chapter Excellence in Giving
The Club Foundation awards scholarships and grants each year with a mission to financially support the club management profession through education, research, and outreach initiatives. In FY2022, we provided 40 awards and increased our giving dollars by 58 percent over the prior fiscal year. Since 1988, we have awarded more than $8.5 million.
But we are not the only entity providing awards in our industry. CMAA Chapters are wholly dedicated to supporting their members, community, region, and/or nation through philanthropic giving. We are so grateful to the many Chapters who also donate regularly to The Club Foundation. Whether you have given direct funds, held a charitable tournament, or gathered food for families in need, The Club Foundation would like to gather the amazing stories about the charitable and philanthropy work you are doing at your Chapter.
Our intent is to showcase some of these stories through publications and on the Foundation’s website, but we need your help! Please go to the Stories of Giving Excellence form online to submit your story. Be sure to add all the details about your project or work in the narrative (and photos too) so we can help CMAA members know about your good work!
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Congratulations to the Nebraska Chapter who won first place in the 2022 Chapter Idea Fair for their idea in the “Student Chapter Engagement” category. Read more about how their Chapter connected with local students using a “Speed Dating, Interview Style” technique.
"Each interviewer had a table to conduct a mock interview. Interviewees had the opportunity to present their resumes, conduct an interview and receive feedback. Students were able to do this three to four times, and gain excellent practice."
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
Chapter Transfers can now be completed online! Please remove the Chapter Transfer form from your Chapter websites and replace it with a link to CMAA’s website.
Managing Directors
The mid-year dues structure went into effect on April 1. National dues are $250 for a half-year of membership for all new members ($212.50 for Alumnus members). Let prospective members know that now is the perfect time to join and experience all that CMAA has to offer!
Career Services Chairman
Entry-Level Job Board Open for Business
CMAA has heard from members that there is always a need to fill hourly, entry-level jobs at clubs. To help with that CMAA has a job board, which is free to use, to list any and all jobs that fall in that category. The jobs are grouped by state to make it easier for the potential applicants to find these employment opportunities.
Please take some time to share with your team that this board is open, free to use, add as few or as many jobs as you like, and CMAA will be advertising this opportunity through multiple social media outlets to "get the word out."
Login and post a job. Be sure to select Entry-Level in Step 3 on the job form.
The Club Foundation Liaison
Save the Date for Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines
The Club Foundation has multiple deadlines each year for submissions of scholarship and grant applications. Here are the deadlines for 2023 to add to your calendar and share with your Chapter:
Student Chapter Grants | Students - CMAA World Conference attendance and travel/lodging | June 1 |
Joe Perdue Scholarship | Students - professional development | June 1 |
Faculty Research Grants | Faculty - hospitality faculty at an accredited, four-year institution | August 1 |
Sally Burns Rambo Scholarship | Managers - Female Club Managers - professional development | September 1 |
James B. Singerling Scholarship | Managers - First-time CMAA World Conference attendees | October 1 |
LaRocca Family Executive Scholarship | Managers - Club Managers and their Mentees - professional development | November 1 |
Willmoore H. Kendall Scholarship | Managers - Club Professionals/Managers/Assistant Managers seeking their CCM | November 1 |
For detailed information about the application process and eligibility, please visit The Club Foundation Apply Page.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
Communications Chairman: Access World Conference Photos & Videos
The 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo in Orlando, FL, was a blast! Relive all the networking, education, and good times with our event photo gallery on Flickr. You can find photos from all our general education, awards, and networking sessions.
For videos shown at the event, like our #ChooseClubs, The Club Foundation featuring Passion Graham, and others, please visit CMAA’s YouTube channel.
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
Register for 2023 National Golf Day by April 17
National Golf Day serves as the pinnacle advocacy event of the year for the American Golf Industry Coalition, formerly known as We Are Golf. More than 200 golf industry professionals will head to Capitol Hill to advocate for the industry and educate lawmakers in Washington, DC.
The 15th annual National Golf Day will take place on Wednesday, May 10, with volunteer activities, education, and networking beginning on May 9. There is no cost to register. Join CMAA’s Advocacy Committee and Legislative Chairmen in this important opportunity to make your voice heard on issues impacting our industry. We are seeking to have representation from every state represented in CMAA.
Registration is now open through April 17. For additional questions, please contact Melissa Low, CAE, CMAA’s Senior Director, Communications & Advocacy.
Membership Chairman
Visit the Membership Chairman Section
The Membership Chairman Section of the Chapter Officer Resource Page contains information and useful resources for you.
Professional Development
Register for the Club Leadership Summit
Enhance your partnership with your club’s elected leader(s) with CMAA’s Club Leadership Summits. Register today for the upcoming Club Leadership Summit. The one-day, in-person Summit will be held on May 22 at The Chicago Club in Chicago, IL.
Prepare your club’s elected leadership for success with focused information on relevant strategic topics, including governance, finance, trends, and club legislation.
The 2023 in-person cost is $350 for the GM/CEO and one Board Member. Additional Board Members are $150.
Research Chairman
There’s Still Time to Participate in the Club Employee Demographic Assessment
There is still time to participate in the Club Employee Demographic Assessment. This research survey presented with support from CMAA and The Club Foundation, will provide a baseline and snapshot of the demographics across the club industry. This three-year project will enable your club to benchmark your changing demographics over time.
Your club's participation and information are confidential. Please submit one response per club. You will gain insight into your team’s diversity and assist in formulating your own DEI strategy and tactics. Your club's participation in this assessment will provide data to help CMAA build education and resources to help clubs recruit and retain diverse talent, making it attractive for everyone to choose to work in clubs.
Thank you in advance for your club's participation in this important initiative!
Student Chapter Liaison
Verify Your Club’s Internship Program
CMAA has developed a Verified Internship Program to elevate and streamline club internship offerings. Because clubs differ widely in their membership size, culture, and offerings, it may be difficult for students to know exactly what they can expect from their internship experience. This verified internship criteria helps manage the expectations of students, faculty, and managers, and holistically showcases what a career in the club industry looks like.
Interested in having your club’s internship program recognized as a CMAA Verified Internship? Access the program criteria and learn more online.
Wine Society Representative
Join the Wine Society Now and Get the Half-Year Dues Rate
Interested in becoming a Wine Society member? Take advantage of the half-year dues rate and join today!
New Member Totals
We're excited to welcome more new members. Can you help us get further toward our goal?
Chapter Spotlight
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!