Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: August 2022
Featured Strategy
Help Our Student Chapters Succeed This Semester
The beginning of the school year is just around the corner. Our student members are getting ready to head back to school and jump back into CMAA with their student chapters! It’s crucial that our student chapters have the support of our managers to help them succeed and learn more about the club industry at large.
As you begin to think about how you can help develop the next generation of club management professionals, here are a few things for that our student chapter presidents and faculty advisors have asked for assistance with:
- Help the student chapter schedule in-person and virtual club tours;
- Invite the student chapter to any in-person events the local chapter or surrounding clubs may be having;
- Help make introductions for students with other club managers;
- Invite the student chapter to local chapter meetings;
- Hold regular calls with the student chapter to get updates and see if there is anything with which they could use your help;
- Attend or offer to be a guest speaker in any club class the university may have and help make introductions with other managers that may be interested in speaking;
- Share new updates with faculty that they could incorporate into their lessons so their content is current and accurate; and
- Share any internship, job, or volunteer opportunities with the student chapter.
If you have questions about which student chapters you can and should be engaging with or need more information about CMAA’s Student Program in general, please contact Christina Krueger, Manager, Member Communities & Student Development.
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Don’t forget to enter your ideas in the 2022 Chapter Idea Fair to be held in conjunction with the Leadership/Legislative Conference (LLC), September 12-14, in Washington, DC. You will submit your presentation electronically and CMAA will print your board(s) for you! Please have all entries submitted by August 24. If you are attending LLC and interested in being considered to present your entry during a session, please indicate that by checking the box during the submission process.
- The Club Foundation Names Twelve Joe Perdue Scholars
- Catch Up on the Let’s Talk Club Management Podcast: Ep. 76: Designing Your Future and Ep. 77: Being a Manager of Energy
To Do
- August 23: Register & Reserve Your Accommodations for the Leadership/Legislative Conference, Washington, DC
- September 21-22: Register for the 2022 CSFA Annual Conference
- September 23: 2022 Club Executive of the Year Nominations Due
- October 31: Renew Your 2023 National Membership
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
The first notice for 2023 membership renewal was sent out to all current CMAA members. CMAA memberships expire on October 31. Chapter officers should remind members to renew their memberships at their earliest convenience not to incur any late fees that may be assessed in the future.
Managing Directors
As we approach membership renewal season, please let us know if your members are on the move. Please send any updates to Erica Benjamin. Thank you.
Career Services Chairman
Being Prepared is Always a Good Thing
One of the best ways to be prepared in your professional life is to have an up-to-date résumé. Add a reminder to your calendar to look at your résumé every six months and update as necessary. Be sure to add if you have gotten a new certification, a promotion, or completed a large project. This does not mean just adding another bullet point to your details, but making sure that your story is laid out properly and thoughtfully. This may require the use of a professional résumé writer.
Schedule time to call Erin Kennedy at Professional Résumé Services is a great place to start. The initial consultation is free. Be sure to mention CMAA for a discount.
Taking time to take care of yourself is a good thing.
The Club Foundation Liaison
Back to School with The Club Foundation
It is with great enthusiasm that The Club Foundation (CF) supports aspiring leaders who are currently enrolled in undergraduate hospitality programs, specifically those interested in a career in the club industry. As a focus of the mission of CF, students are a critical component in the pipeline of future leaders. Two primary granting programs focus on students: the Student Chapter Grant (eight recipients in 2022) and the Joe Perdue Scholarship (12 recipients in 2022). Join us in congratulating this year’s student grantees!
The CF also focuses on emerging leaders through the James B. Singerling Scholarship which funds first-time attendees at CMAA’s World Conference and Club Business Expo—due on October 1. For more seasoned professionals, there are three other significant programs:
- Willmoore H. Kendall Scholarship for professionals attending Business Management Institutes (BMI) toward their Certified Club Manager (CCM) designation—due on November 1.
- Sally Burns Rambo Scholarship for female professionals attending BMI programs—due on September 1.
- LaRocca Family Executive Scholarship for seasoned professionals and their mentors—due on November 1.
For more information about CF scholarships, deadlines, and past winners, please visit the The Club Foundation website. You can also call us at 703-299-4284 or fill out our online contact form.
How does CF fund all those scholarships? The Club Foundation would not be able to fulfill its mission of providing grants and scholarships, if not for your generosity and that of so many others in our industry. You make a difference every time you contribute. When you add a donation to your membership renewal or when you participate in our current online campaign, the Family Legacy Campaign, you are supporting the CMAA professionals across the nation. Thank you for all you do to support CF and CMAA families!
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
2022 Club Executive of the Year Nominations Due September 23
We need your help in spreading the news to clubs represented in your Chapter that nominations are now open for the 2022 Club Executive of the Year award. The deadline is September 23.
Annually, Club Management magazine recognizes excellence in club leadership with the Club Executive of the Year Award. Originally known as the Club Manager of the Year, this distinction was created in 1985 by Club Management magazine to honor an individual who by his or her achievements best represents the qualities found in hard-working, dedicated club management leaders. In 2008, the award was re-titled to mirror the evolution of the role of a club management professional.
Nominations are sought for club management professionals who embody professionalism at their clubs and within the CMAA community. Nominations from diverse backgrounds and work experiences are welcomed and encouraged.
2022 nominations must include specifics on how the nominee embraces:
- Mentoring;
- Creating a club culture that supports the staff team through ongoing educational opportunities and crisis assistance; and
- Demonstrating sustained engagement with their local CMAA Chapter.
To nominate a CMAA member, please access the submission guidelines. Nominations must be received by September 23.
Nominations will be reviewed by a panel of CMAA members and past recipients of the award and evaluated based on the enumerated criteria above. The Club Executive of the Year winner will be profiled in a forthcoming edition of Club Management magazine, an episode of the Let’s Talk Club Management Podcast, and honored in-person at the CMAA 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo in Orlando, FL.
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
Addressing Water Issues
With significant drought affecting many western areas of the country, golf courses have been subjected to increased scrutiny for their usage of water and subjected to additional restrictions. In many states, their use of water has been characterized as excessive. What does the research say? How much water does a golf course use? What sources do golf courses use?
Recent research released by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) helps to provide clarity and informed decision-making for state decisionmakers and lawmakers on this issue. According to the recently released data, US golf courses used 29 percent less water in 2020, compared with usage in 2005. The 2021 survey was conducted by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) and funded by the GCSAA Foundation as part of its Golf Course Environmental Profile program, which began in 2005.
Learn more in the Legislative Report blog
Membership Chairman
August New Members Receive Education-Only Conference Badge
All members that join in the month of August receive a complimentary Education-Only badge for an upcoming World Conference and Club Business Expo. Please let prospective members know about this great incentive!
Professional Development
Register for Fall Events
There are several bite-size educational opportunities available this fall. The Club Leadership Summits, the Virtual Mid-Management Conference, and the Chef Summit all offer short, concentrated educational opportunities for your Chapter members.
Research Chairman
2022 Finance and Operations Survey Deadline Extended
The deadline to participate in the 2022 CMAA Finance and Operations Survey has been extended. To build on CMAA's strategic plan and maintain the confidentiality of your data, CMAA again has contracted Industry Insights (an objective, independent, third-party research company) to collect and compile the results. Industry Insights has more than 40 years of experience in conducting confidential, financial, and operational benchmarking studies of this nature.
To allow for easy survey completion as well as customized reporting tools for you and your staff, the study is hosted and maintained by Industry Insights on the CMAA Research Portal.
Student Chapter Liaison
Join Monthly Faculty Member Calls
Student Chapter Liaison Managers invited to join the Faculty Members Monthly Calls for all the latest information on our student membership as well as engage with our Faculty Members. Student Liaison Managers are a crucial piece of a successful student membership.
Learn more about your role as a Student Liaison Manager
Wine Society Liaison
Award and Scholarship Deadlines Approaching
The deadline to submit your entries for the CMAA Wine Society Wine Program Awards is Thursday, September 1. The Wine Program Awards are open to all CMAA member clubs.
Warren Arseneaux Scholarship entries are due Monday, October 3. The Warren Arseneaux Scholarship is limited to Wine Society members only.
If you have questions about either award program, please reach out to Sara Thom with any questions.
New Member Totals
Our goal for this year is 763, and we are nearly to 80 percent! Can you help us get to 100 percent?
Chapter Spotlight
Ohio Valley Chapter Enjoys Bourbon Tastings in Kentucky
The July Chapter Meeting of the Ohio Valley Chapter took place in Lexington, KY, and Chapter members were treated to two different Bourbon tastings and a tour of the Keeneland Racecourse.
Chapter members enjoyed the hospitality of Green River Distiller and Buffalo Trace and had a wine tasting with Trinchero Family Estate Wine and Spirts. The Ohio Valley Chapter thanks hosts Matt Post at The Club at UK’s Spindletop Hall and Laura Gardner at The Thoroughbred Club of America.
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!