Chapter Digest
News for CMAA Leaders: January 2023
Featured Strategy
Career Services, Coaching, and Mentoring at the 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo
The CMAA ClubCareers Services Center, available to all World Conference and Club Business Expo attendees, provides the opportunity to gain valuable job search and employee placement assistance on-site and free-of-charge. There will be complimentary programs and services that include:
Job Boards: The CMAA Career Services Center features job boards listing current, vacant positions. All levels of positions will be posted, from General Manager/COO to internships. Managers, club boards, search committees, and search firms can submit listings that will be posted in Orlando, free of charge, for all Conference attendees to view. Whether you are actively looking for employment or just keeping an eye on industry trends, make sure you bring extra copies of your résumé to Conference.
*You may email the jobs to Karen Woodie or bring them with you to Orlando.
Coaching Sessions: Coaching is an effective way to learn and make significant changes to your attitude, beliefs, and behaviors to create your successful future! Whether you are new to your career or a seasoned professional, there is always something to learn that will help you be even more successful. Join Kevin MacDonald or Shelley MacDougall for a 45-minute session at Conference. These can be scheduled online before or during Conference and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Career Opportunity and Networking Showcase: Are you looking to fill internship and entry level positions at your club? Or maybe just network with new or seasoned industry professionals? Join us at the Career Opportunities and Networking Showcase! Managers interested in participating may reserve a table for $50 and earn one Association Activity credit. Complete the form to confirm your participation.
Mentoring: Every year at World Conference, CMAA offers a mentorship program that pairs students and managers together for the week. Are you looking to have a little more one on one time with a CMAA professional at conference? Or maybe you’re a professional member and have a passion for helping the next generation? If you answered yes to either of those questions, this program is for you! Each mentor and mentee will be paired a few weeks before Conference. Make sure you schedule a time prior to Conference to have a phone call to get to know each other and come up with a game plan for your time in Orlando. Sign up for this program during your Conference registration. The deadline to participate is February 10.
Mentorship Lunch: If you’re looking to mentor but don’t want to commit to a full week, consider joining us at the Student/Mentor Lunch on Sunday, February 26 at 11:45 a.m. Take an hour out of your day to have lunch with our bright minds of the future! Complete the form by February 17 to participate in this event.
Featured Chapter Idea Fair

Congratulations to the Greater Southwest Chapter who won first place in the 2022 Chapter Idea Fair for their idea in the “Education” category. Check out how they partnered with their partner to deliver world-class education to their Chapter members.
"I work directly with the Partner to ensure that they felt value while at the same time ensuring that our attendees received world class education."
- Eight Awarded Kendall Scholarship
- LaRocca Scholarship Awarded by The Club Foundation
- Catch Up on the Let’s Talk Club Management Podcast: Ep. 85: A Conversation with the 2022 Club Executive of the Year and Ep. 86: The Best of 2022
To Do
- January 18: Attend the Women in Club Management Monthly Call
- January 22: Deadline to Participate in 2022/2023 Club Leader’s Perspective Survey
- January 23: Submit Your Club’s Best Ideas to the 2023 Idea Fair
- January 24: 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo Regular Registration Ends and Hotel Block Closes
- February 22: Last Day for Online Voting for the 2023 Board Elections
Chapter Management Resources
All Officers
If you have not already done so, please submit your 2023 Chapter Officers/Chairman Report. Additionally, if you were a Chapter President in 2022, please fill out the President’s Annual Report Form.
Managing Directors
Thank you for following up with members who have yet to renew their 2023 national memberships. Those who did not renew were dropped from the National Roster. Please let lapsed members know that they can contact National Headquarters to receive their outstanding dues invoice and reinstate their memberships.
Career Services Chairman
Sign Up Now for Coaching Slots in Orlando
If you are planning to attend the World Conference and Club Business Expo in Orlando next month, why not take the opportunity to chat with one of CMAA's Life Coaches, Kevin MacDonald and Shelley MacDougal? Coaching can help you set and reach goals, improve your work relationships, reduce your stresses, and ultimately become a better YOU!
The Club Foundation Liaison
Join The Club Foundation at the 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo
The Club Foundation is hosting two events during the 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo: The Club Foundation Golf Tournament and the Club Love 5K.
The Club Foundation Golf Tournament takes place on Thursday, February 23 at the incredible Ritz-Carlton Golf Club. Special thanks to CMAA member Steve Ousley and his team at the Club for all their help in putting together a memorable and rewarding tournament. The tournament is sold out, but if you’d like to join the waitlist, please contact Ava Spece, Director of Development. If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor for the event, please visit our sponsorship page.
The Club Foundation’s Club Love 5K will be held on Monday, February 27. If you didn’t sign up for the Club Love 5K when you registered for the Conference, you can modify your existing registration through the link provided in your confirmation email.
We are excited that this year’s Club Love 5K has a new twist—the CMAA Wellness Challenge! The Club Foundation has joined forces with CMAA’s Club Wellness Community to challenge all Conference attendees to move, be mindful, and make healthy choices during the week. By tracking a variety of wellness activities, from drinking a glass of water to counting your steps, participants will earn points over the course of the week. The participant with the most points at the end of the Conference wins a prize. Participating in the in-person Club Love 5K adds 250 points to your total in the Wellness Challenge. We hope you will actively participate in this challenge, allowing you to make the most of your busy week by keeping wellness a priority.
Communications/Public Relations Chairman
Reflecting on the 2023 Theme
Annually, CMAA leaders vote at the Leadership/Legislative Conference on the theme for the next year. This theme reflects both the current conditions in the industry and aspirational goals to embrace. Our theme will be showcased in many ways throughout the year.
The 2023 theme is Engage. Enrich. Unite.
As the year begins, it is a great time to reflect on what these three words mean to you, your Chapter, and your club for 2023. How can you use your communication and public relations efforts to focus on these goals? Could you incorporate it into your storytelling in newsletters, social media, etc.?
For more ideas, please contact your official liaisons Melissa Low, CAE, Senior Director, Communications and Advocacy, and Kyle Jennings, Manager, Communications.
Advocacy/Legislative Chairman
EPA Announces Changes to Waters of the US Rule
On December 30, the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers announced the final Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. Despite calls from the regulated community and our coalition partners with the Waters Advocacy Coalition for a rule that provides the clarity and certainty essential for predictable and efficient permitting, the final rule relies on vague terms will make it very difficult for any business or individual trying to comply with the Clean Water Act (CWA).
In addition, the new rule comes at a time when the Supreme Court is weighing the scope of the CWA in the case of Sackett v. EPA. A ruling in the Sackett case could negate (or render irrelevant) significant elements of this WOTUS rule, creating even more confusion for landowners and businesses.
Read more about the final details of this rule in the Legislative Report.
Membership Chairman
Congratulations on a Record-Breaking Recruitment Year in 2022!
Let’s start the 2023 recruitment year off right! All new and rejoining members pay $500 for their first year of national dues. Please direct all prospective members to the online join form.
Professional Development
Volunteer at the 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo
The 2023 World Conference & Club Business Expo will feature more than 65 education sessions. Each year, the Education Department relies on the kindness of volunteers to introduce the session speakers. Please consider introducing one or more sessions. The process is simple. First, visit the Volunteer Page and look for the sessions that you are planning to attend. If you see a session that you would like to introduce, sign up! You will be sent a confirmation email with the session date, time, and room location listed. Once on site, just stop by the Member Services Pavilion about 15 minutes prior to the session and a member of the Education Department team will give you the introduction text. Each introduction takes about three minutes. Please feel free to contact Amilcar Davy if you have any questions.
Research Chairman
Read the 2022 CMAA Finance and Operations Report
The 2022 CMAA Finance and Operations Report is now available. This year's report found the typical growth in membership annual dues (2021 vs. 2020) to be nearly 5 percent across most membership classes/types and the median member attrition rates to be 5.7 percent overall, 4.3 percent for golf and country clubs, 3.3 percent for city/athletic clubs, 3.7 percent for yacht clubs, and 4.6 percent for CIRA clubs.
All members have access to high level information through the Executive Summary and on CMAA University. The Executive Summary includes an infographic detailing key information from each operating revenue segment. Participants may access the Full Report, their Individual Club Report, and the Report Card (featuring a few key metrics) on the Research Portal.
Club Resource Center subscribers receive a copy of the print report and have access to an online data analytics platform, which allows clubs to compare their data versus five peer groups and create customized aggregations of the survey results. To learn more about the subscription, please visit
Save the date and register for the webinar "Using the 2022 CMAA Finance and Operations Report" on January 26 at 2:00 p.m. EST.
Student Chapter Liaison
Join the Career Opportunities and Networking Showcase at the 2023 World Conference and Club Business Expo
Whether you’re a club looking to hire or a student looking for work, this is a great event to connect managers with students. Visit the Student Section of the website to sign up your club for this event and to see who will be present. There are already clubs signed up from coast to coast—there's sure to be something there for everyone!
Wine Society Representative
Next Month's Wine Society Webinars
There are two upcoming webinars for Wine Society members. Sign up now!
New Member Totals
Shoutout to the 38 Chapters that have achieved their recruitment goals this year!
Chapter Spotlight
The New Jersey Chapter's Toys for Tots Drive
The New Jersey Chapter, in partnership with the Wyckoff, NJ Fire Department, donated more than 150 unwrapped toys to the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Foundation.
We want to hear what your Chapter is doing! Recently hold a fundraiser? Exciting event? Share your Chapter good news via email to and you could be featured in an upcoming edition!